Wednesday 23 September 2020

Is there Excellence?

Is there Excellence? [Essay]

Excellence is an unreachable goal, but people find ways of approaching it as they make progress. Excellence is like an asymptote that never ends but approaches a point. In other words, mastery is unobtainable because every step to excellence reveals new possibilities for further development. So, how to master something, if excellence is unreachable? 

Excellence isn't absolute, as we will never be able to ascertain whether there is no better solution for a task or a place to develop. However, we can try to adjoin the limitations of mastery, considering one a master after a specific period. For example, Malcolm Gladwell, a Canadian author, wrote in the chapter, <<The 10.000-Hour Rule>> of this book, <<Outliers>> that one needs to spend at least 10.000 hours on something to master it, even geniuses. 
Though some may find this number invalid, in the cases, Gladwell represented it worked. So how to master something when it is unreachable? Even in mathematics, which is considered a precise science, integration isn't 100% precise. Indeed in what is termed <<precise>>, one can remark imperfections. Consequently, understanding that excellence is unreachable, it can be defined as the current best achievement, as a record, and can be changed when a new one overcomes it. Therefore, every new achievement overcoming the last one is a step leading to excellence. 

Every step is an element of the path leading to excellence, Each of our steps, both negative and positive, affect our life. Even failures have a vital influence on our further progress as they reveal our limitations so we can develop more. All our actions, major, and minor lead to excellence. Steve Jobs, an American entrepreneur and founder of APPLE, talked about << connecting the dots>> in his Standford Commencement address in 2005. He noted that our life is a unity of connections, which he considers as dots. Connecting the dots has the same structure as a tree. It grows like our progress during our lives and becomes thicker, simultaneously increasing the number of its branches. These branches that grow to the sky are our steps leading us to excellence. We can notice that every piece of a tree is based on its previous pieces, so are our steps. They are accumulating, connecting, forming a full image of our progression, but yet not being perfect as they still have a way to go. 

Most of us try to reach excellence. Though, in reality, we usually waste our time seeking something unreal. We may find perfectionism a precious aspect of us. However, in general, it stops us from achieving our real target. That is why we should understand the unlimitedness of possibilities and try to border ourselves in some cases. Having some barriers in front of us will not stop our progression but prevent its spreading in the wrong directions so we can concentrate on a specific goal. Hence for becoming a master, we should have a particular border after crossing which one can be defined as a master. 

Everything can be judged to developing further as excellence is unobtainable. Even this assignment isn't as excellent as it might be, as every time I read it, new ideas are generated that can make it even more excellent. Consequently, after trying to achieve excellence or mastery at first, we should border it, understand our real target, and then try approaching it. 

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